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How to deal with step kids


Children always need to be treated with extreme love, concern, care and responsibility. However, if one has step children, dealing with them becomes a little different. Here are some steps to do so more effectively.

Develop trust with your spouse

Ensure that you and your spouse are on the same platform. This fact should be clear to your step children as well. This would ensure that the step kids do not use anything against you and your relationship with your spouse. This would also develop a sense of trust and relationship between you and the step children. Always remember that a step child who does not like you at all would always try to use something or the other against you. Half of you battle is won if your step children begin to trust you and your relationship with them as well as your spouse.

Talk to your step kids

You might definitely want to have a word with your step kids if you feel that they are trying to disturb your relationship with your spouse by different means. This would definitely depend on the age of your step children. Let them understand that you love and respect your spouse and this is the reason you are in a relationship with him/her. Explain to them that you can definitely live peacefully and in a lot of harmony together. You should let them know that a relationship between spouses is different from that of the children.

Respect them and show your concern

This is really important. Unless you love and respect them, you really cannot expect the same from their side. This thing has to be mutual and you are the one who has to take the first step in this regard. Your concern and care towards the step children would definitely touch their hearts and they would in turn start loving you. Behave as if they are not step children to you and love them accordingly.

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