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How to deal with a schizophrenic

With over millions in the U.S. encountering mental illness, Schizophrenia emerges as a challenging condition for many people who behave competent otherwise. Appropriate handling of the unpredictable behavior, backed by methodical treatment can pave way for the betterment of both the sufferer and the caretaker. Determine the resources Appropriate treatment can assist faster recovery. Intervention at an early stage can help the person avoid encountering more damaging situations in life. An expert advice can outline the best suited treatment. The sufferer may resist taking expert advice for fear of being labeled ‘abnormal’ or ‘crazy’. Make the process more comforting by suggesting specific symptoms (like insomnia instead of schizophrenia). Timely (and early) professional help can alleviate the course of treatment. Living with a close knit and strong supported family can work positively for a schizophrenic. If the person seems unmanageable at home, explore the other options outside. For successful treatment, a stable and supportive atmosphere is needed. Consider the requirements of the person when selecting the place. If the person requires very close supervision constantly, home may not be the best place to choose. If the schizophrenic uses drugs or alcohol, behaves in a non-cooperative manner or resists taking medicines or treatment, look for better opportunities outside your home where he/she is better off. The local mental health facilitators, social agencies and support groups can prove helpful in finding a suited location.

Monitor medication and progress Medication alone is not sufficient; it is essential to track the progress. Non- acceptance of medication is a common problem with schizophrenic. He/she may complain of side-effects, which should be brought to the notice of the doctor. Taking medicines regularly (and in the required dosage) is important for effective treatment. Forgetful schizophrenic persons can be helped by facilitating weekly pillboxes, timers or medication calendars. There can be a damaging side effect of combining an antipsychotic medication with other substances. Schizophrenic medications should also not be combined with alcohol or illegal drugs. Consult the doctor for a comprehensive substance abuse problem. Make note of any abnormal changes. Family history also helps in deciding the appropriate line of treatment. Keep a journal to record medication history, as it can prove helpful later. Having considerable human and economic cost, schizophrenia has a great tendency to relapse. Discontinuing medications appears the most common cause of relapse. Even though the symptoms subside, medication may be required. Sometimes, schizophrenia can relapse into an acute psychotic episode even during medication. Recognizing the early warning signals helps prevent the situation from worsening. The person’s first psychotic episode symptoms are important indicators, and should be considered when ascertaining relapse.

Be prepared for an urgency When dealing with a schizophrenic, it is crucial to be pro-active and prepared for facing an emergency. An out of ordinary situation can demand immediate intervention for the safety of the schizophrenic as well as the accomplices. As a family member or caretaker, it is important to equip every inhabitant of the household with crisis management. Advance preparation can make a seemingly unmanageable situation controllable. A descriptive listing of the doctor and hospital, containing the contact number and address, should be available with all the family members. Prepare a copy, in case the original is misplaced or lost. Have a demonstration of an emergency situation to clarify the sequence of events better. A simple mistake can aggravate the intensity of an incident, causing harm to the sufferer. By laying an action plan, the emotional setback is also reduced to enable the situation advance to revival.

Adopt the right kind of therapy For schizophrenia treatment, antipsychotic medications contribute significantly. Psychological and social support accompanies medication. In severe cases, hospitalization may be needed. The benefits, costs and risks of antipsychotic medication determine its applicability. There are several side effects associated with antipsychotic medication, and expert advice determines which type of medication suits the schizophrenic. For a schizophrenic who is unable to have medicines regularly, long-acting depot preparations of antipsychotics may be used. These can be accompanied with psychological interventions. Family therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, assertive community treatment etc. are some of the psychological interventions which can be included in treatment. Administering the right kind of psychotherapy can teach a schizophrenic to deal with the realities of the illness. Psychosocial treatment can help combat day to day obstacles in work, communication and many other areas.

Family education and care It is extremely important that as a family member or caretaker, you do not adversely affect your thoughts. The hallucinations and paranoia of the sufferer should not overwhelm your thinking. Keep a check on yourself so that the daily burden of stress does not counter your strong determination to improve the life of your loved one. Take help from other members of the family and distribute work. Educate and engage all members of the family to work towards recovery of the schizophrenic. Find healthy ways to achieve realistic goals. Support groups can provide like-minded people, who can provide experiences and advices to benefit you. Identify your limits and do not allow scope for blame. Do the most optimum and hope for the best possible outcome. Keep a positive outlook to save yourself from getting emotionally exhausted.

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