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Reflections of a soul that gives without any return

Reflections of a soul

What is a soul?

Can we really bind soul in one single definition? Certainly not as each one of us defines soul in a different manner however we can surely state the common things that exist in everybody’s definition. A human soul is basically the identity of a person and the characteristics of the soul portray the real characteristics of the person. A human is not merely what we see outside in the physical form but his true self lies inside with his soul. The human body exists in the physical world of space and matter whereas the soul is the resident of the spiritual lands.

Human souls happen to be the origin of all the human desires, emotions, memories and thoughts plus they also are the originating point of each psychic activity. Just like we characterize human beings on the basis of their behavior like some people are humorous while some of them are serious by nature; in the same manner each and every soul has individual characteristics that set them apart. Souls are very much alive and possess their own mind and intelligence plus they perform activities like thinking, learning and adapting to situations. Some souls that exist today are truly selfless in every sense of the word and they provide without any expectation in return. You can also transform your soul into a selfless one by opening your communication channels with your soul and setting your souls goals.

Soul goals: what are they?

We all have goals set for our future as it is a natural phenomenon for the humans to make and achieve goals in their life. Among all the goals you set out to achieve there are certain goals that go beyond you and they are the soul goals. These goals have a much larger affect on the people around you than they have on you and that is what makes them more challenging to set and achieve. These goals are difficult to set as they demand that you hold no expectations of getting something in return for the efforts you make to complete them. However the inner peace and contentment that you get after completing them is priceless.


Soul goals need you to put your mind and heart in the service of others and never hope for anything in return. These goals extend the passion and purpose that was lacking from your life plus your life will get a new meaning after you adopt such selfless goals. There are many examples of great people who were blessed with such selfless souls and we should not miss an opportunity to take some lessons of selflessness from them to add certain meaning to our life. We will name one such great soul who needs no formal introduction as her works do that for her. Mother Teresa is a perfect example when we speak of selfless souls who only give to the world with absolutely no expectation of getting something in return.


It is not that you have to have big soul goals to attain selflessness but having them in the first place is the beginning of getting a purpose in life.


Selfless souls: a blessing in every way!

selfless soul

Only a person who is strong from the inside can be selfless in the true sense and can devote himself to others without any demands or conditions. Your soul is very powerful and once you realize that you will be astonished by the things it can do. In order to channel the energies of your soul in the right direction you need to understand its desires. A selfless soul has soul goals that complement its personality and desires to help the community.


Realize the potential and develop goals that suit your personality and interests and you will see that you can bring the desired change in the world. Each one of us has the ability it takes to be a giving soul but most of us do not make the efforts in that direction. Most of us are driven by expectations and feel that selfless deeds yield no good results but the reality is just the opposite. A selfless soul is devoid of all the bad in the world and reflects what is good and pure as it is devoid of expectations.


There are many ways in which you can transform your soul into a selfless one and gain inner peace and calm which is otherwise quite difficult to obtain. If you work for someone’s good without any expectation then you are no less than a hero as it requires huge amount of courage to carry out selfless tasks. Showing concern and love to others is not time bound as you can do that at anytime and at any place. Your soul has tremendous power and if you channel that power in the service of others then you are doing the right thing. There is no greater good than helping others without wishing for anything in return and some people find it difficult because their soul is trapped in the chains of selfishness and expectations.



We discussed a lot of things in the above discussion however the main point to focus here is that a selfless soul has nothing to lose as it has no expectations. All it does is provide comfort to others and gain a lot of inner peace and contentment in return. You do not always have to help others by money as just passing and sharing smiles can do the trick. Therefore clear all the communication channels leading to your soul and set soul goals that aim at helping others without demanding anything in return.


A selfless soul is a boon in every way and everyone must make efforts to get one as it takes strength to offer help without expectations. Anyone in the world could be selfish but only a morally and spiritually strong human being with a beautiful soul can be a selfless giver.


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