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Passion, the foundation of motivation and success

Passion, the foundation of motivation and success

We seem to read articles about individuals achieving big in life every other day. This makes us wonder, would we ever be able to achieve even half of what they did? The answer to that is simple. Yes we would, provided we look for that one thing that is missing in us, that one thing that would help us achieve all our goals in life, and that one thing that separates these extraordinary achievers like Michael Dell, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and Donald Trump, etc. from us, the common man; passion.


Passion is what drives these individuals to achieve their goals. It makes them wade through all kinds of hardships to get what they want and motivates them to keep on trudging forward. And it’s what enables them to beat all odds to build the successful empire that they desire. These people had the passion to pursue their dreams fervently and ended up victorious in the end.

One of the main reasons why many individuals fail to reach their goals and achieve outstanding results is because they lack the motivation to take the necessary action to do the same. Lack of motivation usually stems from another factor, lack of passion. A person who is not passionate about what he/she does would feel less motivated to continue doing it in the long run. This in turn, would lead to either unrealized goals or unsatisfactory results.

motivation helps us to achieve goal

Passion fuels motivation

Passion is the driving force behind motivation, which in turn would help us reach our goals. However, not many people acknowledge this fact. Most of them tend to adapt a wrong mindset that tricks them into thinking that one has to work hard and accomplish all their goals in life in order to live happily afterwards.

Successful people however, think otherwise. These individuals tend to do what they love and be happy about it. They focus on what they desire to do rather than what they need to do in order to achieve their goals. This way, they would achieve more than the common person who follows the wrong mindset mentioned above. In short, these successful individuals end up happily achieving their dreams instead of achieving first and then being happy.

This can be attributed to the fact that they are passionate about what they are doing. Being passionate about something would want an individual to do it more since he/she loves doing it in the first place. This passion would create the motivation needed for one to take the necessary action to achieve his/her goals as well as tackle challenges head on.

healthy working enviornment

Passion creates fun

An individual who is passionate about his/her work would end up enjoying it to the core. He/she would treat work as play and would want to dedicate more time to it because he/she considers it fun. This trait enables successful individuals to put in long hours at work, even if they have to sacrifice a lot in the process.

These individuals love their job and would do anything to keep working day and night.


Passion is the secret mantra for success

The common person who reads stories about these successful individuals would need to understand that passion is what creates the difference in both scenarios.

He/she would therefore, need to learn to love his/her work to the extent that he/she would be willing to face every hurdle long the way. For, at the end of the day, a successful life is not something that you can achieve in a day. Lack of passion would make the journey rougher and harder to handle, to the point that you may want to give up on your goals altogether.


Most individuals, who dream big, tend to lack the passion needed to help them move forward. Passion is the driving force behind the motivation required to achieve one’s goals. It makes work fun and enjoyable and is the secret success mantra without which, the road to success would become hard and treacherous.

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