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How to deal with panic

Panic is something everyone faces at some point in their lives. Knowledge of dealing with such situations is helpful when one is faced with such stressful incidents.

Do not be an escapist

Escapism should be avoided by individuals who are under a situation of panic. This gives further momentum to the panic situation. An individual should always consider his choices and think over them patiently rather than making hasty decisions, which is dangerous. The important aspect is, what lets you in a panic stricken state and not the situation itself. The best way to deal with panic situations is simply to face the problem and to accept whatever feelings you may have during that moment. This acceptance of your feelings takes you a step ahead in dealing aptly with the crisis. The moment you decide to avoid this fear, you take a step behind. If the situation is colossal, breaking it up into smaller segments reduces the magnanimity and gives you ample self-confidence to face it. Recovery can only be done when an individual faces the feelings, places and situations that one has feared continuously and have consciously avoided. “I can do it” or “Fear is the greatest hindrance,” these types of self-boosting statements uttered mentally while dealing with the situation can help an individual in effectively rooting out the panic from his psyche.

Panic is often anticipation driven

Every deed or task is done with the result in mind. Some people get a panic attack just thinking about what the result of their task is going to be. You should not indulge in anticipating events. Do not let your attention be diverted by thoughts about, what can happen. Rather try and focus on the work you are doing at the moment. Live for the present. Avoid the past and do not think unnecessarily about what will happen in the future. Thinking about your past and anticipating your future will only increase your level of panic thoughts. The result will be good only when you stay calm and perform your task well. If you spoil your action, no result will be good and that can cause further panic and stress.

Be patient

When dealing with a panic situation, it is very important that you accept the presence of the situation in your life. Do not try to avoid it or that will increase your mental agony. Rather face it with a determination to curb it. An individual should be committed to diminish the cause of the panic with steady day to day practice. One should not be rigid to oneself. You may not attain the level of perfection that you want, but even a small step towards the attainment of your goal is an achievement. You will not always feel that you are doing your utmost. But you should not be disappointed. Avoid feeling low, as lack of self-confidence gives impetus to the growth of panic in your mind. Patience is an important step towards panic management. Check your progress over a period of time rather than stressing yourself too much over a short span of time. You cannot eliminate the panic causing nature in a day. It will take time. Giving oneself the time will help in curbing the issue effectively and prevent a relapse. Things which are beyond your control should be left as they are. For example, your future is beyond your control. Then why should you think about it and stop enjoying your present.

Practice deep breathing and relaxation skills

Breathing exercises help in relaxation of your agitated mind when facing panic situations. These breathing exercises do not help you to get rid of your symptoms of anxiety, rather they activate the part of the nervous system which counteracts your feelings of panic. It reduces symptoms arising out of hyperventilation and also gives the calmness of mind to accept the situation of panic rather than running away from it. Another exercise that can be followed to calm your panic stricken mind is to lie on your back. Then place one hand on your belly and the other on your chest. Observe the movement of the hands when you breathe. When you have achieved this, focus the breathing on your belly, so that the hand on the belly moves and the other hand on your chest remains immobile. You should allow the breathing to be relaxed and calm. Do not hurry. This will help relaxation to spread throughout the body and give you inner strength to face the situation.

Avoid adding secondary fears

When an individual is anxiety stricken, he has a lot of thoughts on his mind. These add to his agitation and panic. These fears are called secondary fears because they arise out of the basic panic situations. Fear of death, going crazy, fainting are some of the secondary fears experienced by individuals. If an individual believes that he is in grave danger, his body will follow the instructions of the brain. This will lead to scaring you even more than the situation itself. These thoughts are so automatic that a mere mention of it will trigger off a range of feelings in your mind. It is with time and patience that you will be able to handle these fears. You should judge a situation rationally and tell your mind that though the situation may be uncomfortable, but it is not dangerous enough to harm your mental peace. This positive attitude will help you in curbing these secondary fear factors.

Keep a positive company

People who get panic attacks usually have a low self esteem and hence they keep doubting every action they take and every task they perform. When the task does not show good results they tend to panic and this causes more fear to fill their minds. It is said that good company can always influence you. If you are prone to panic attacks, you can start by making good friends. When you form a bonding with people who have a positive approach in life, they would influence you and prevent you from thinking of the consequences, too much. They would guide you on concentrating on your present and not just keep worrying of your future. A positive company would always help you cope with your panic attacks.

Be careful about what you eat

Food plays an integral part in your living. It is surprising but it also decides your mood and behaviors. People who are prone to panic attacks can control the food they eat and keep a balanced diet so that their body does not add in to the panic. Sugar is the store house of energy and it is the first to trigger panic in you. This means that you should avoid sugary foods, and prevent the sugared sweets and juices. Excess sugar causes restlessness and hence one is prone to panic attacks more often. Indulge in carbohydrates like potatoes and pasta or rice. They would help curb down the occurrences of panic attacks in you.

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