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How to deal with obsessive compulsive disorder

Compulsive Disorder is where the sufferer faces repeated obsessions or compulsions which inhibit the patient’s ability to function well socially or occupationally. The symptoms are generally marked with the patient’s fear or distress. So, let us take a look at some of the ways to deal with the symptoms of OCD. Exposure and Response Prevention This involves repeated exposure to the obsession of the patient. Then the patient is requested to restrict oneself from the obsessive behavior that the patient would generally react with. This is done just to reduce the anxiety. Doctor’s use this method to judge the pattern of the disorder.

Cognitive therapy This therapy mainly deals with the catastrophic thoughts and exaggerated thoughts of responsibility of the patient. A major part of this method of cure focuses on the effective ways of responding to obsessive thoughts, without taking help of the compulsion of the patient. There are also the four R’s of how to keep OCD at bay: a. ReFocus: The patient is asked to work around the thoughts regarding OCD by focusing his/her attention on something else. b. ReValue: This therapy works with the mind of the patient. The patient is advised to keep on saying oneself, “This is just a stupid obsession. It has no meaning. I have got to stop thinking about this. ” c. ReAttribute: Here, the patient is made to understand the intensity of the thought that is caused by OCD. Just another mental therapy to make the patient to understand that the disorder is just a false message from the brain and that the patient should refrain himself/herself from it. d. ReLabel: The obsessive thoughts and urges are the results of OCD that is what the doctors try to make the patient understand. For e.g.: “I don’t feel that I must wash my hands. I have a compulsive urge to wash my hands”.

Refocusing the attention It is important to engage yourself with different activities. One can do jogging, exercise, listen to music, read books, surf the web, or play video games. Whatever is done should be continued at a stretch for at least fifteen minutes. The main objective behind doing this is to refrain the patient from responding to the obsessive thought or compulsion. After this is done, the urge is assessed. In many cases, it is observed that the impact of the urge seizes a bit.

Jotting downobsessive thoughts or worries The patient is provided with a pad and pencil to note down obsessive thoughts or worries. As soon as the obsession starts, the patient should write down the thoughts or compulsions. Writing down the thoughts is always tougher than thinking them because these thoughts more or less tend to disappear after a very short time. This helps in focusing the mind to the problem at hand. In most cases, this makes one aware of their own disorder and the brain tends to refrain from engaging in the obsession.

Anticipating OCD urges If the patient can anticipate the urge of the compulsion before it arises, then he/she can ease oneself. A solid mental picture and a mental note of the activity should be made. This is done so that when the urge of checking it later arises, one can relabel assuring that it is just an obsessive thought. One can also engage themselves with different activities when they anticipate the urge of the compulsion.

Practice of relaxation techniques Any incident involving stress can trigger the platform for compulsive and obsessive behavior and further stress can make it worse. Mindful meditation, yoga, deep breathing and other stress relief techniques can be put to use to reduce the symptoms brought by OCD. Relaxation technique should be practiced for at least half an hour daily. Freeing your mind of anxiety is one of the primary techniques of getting rid of OCD.

Healthy Eating habits Healthy eating habits are a must to deal with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The day should start with a proper breakfast and frequent meals should be supplemented with throughout the day. Going on too long without eating can lead to many adverse effects like low blood sugar which increase the anxiety of the patient. It is necessary to have enough vitamins and hence one should have adequate amount of fruits. Fruits, milk and salads play a major role in improving your diet, thus reducing fat and building a healthy diet.

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