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Never lose the faith in yourself

Smiling young woman crossing her fingers

We often neglect small things in life and we all know that we should not do it. But in this world we do not have time for such small things. While going down in an elevator a simple smile to a neighbor or to the liftman would make him happy or build a cordial relation with him. But, No! I cannot do that! It is way too important for me to put up a status on Face book or Tweet that I am off to work!


Here lies the big difference. Often small things become big afterwards. Don’t believe me? Say you are having a fight with your wife or girl friend. Believe me when I say that she will bring up the most TRIVIAL of things in the fight and you would not even remember about it. Checkmate.

Believe in yourself

Therefore it is in those small things like doing Yoga for 5 minutes a day or calling your close ones once a week or spending half an hour a day on what you love would make you fit, loving and happy. We think that what would happen in just 5 minutes of Yoga. If you know Yoga and your job requires you to sit all day then there is something called ‘Suryanamaskar’. It would make your lower back pain go away instantly and would also make you fit. This is just one example of how you just have to have faith in a small thing which makes you fit. No, I am not marketing yoga here.

The most famous men also had faith in themselves

Do you know who is Warren Buffet? Well, he is one of the richest man in the world. Let me tell you more about him. Warren often visited his father’s stock brokerage shop as a child, and chalked in the stock prices on the blackboard in the office. He was just eleven years when he had made his first investment. He bought three shares of Cities Service Preferred at $38 per share. The stock quickly dropped to only $27, but Buffett held on tenaciously until they reached $40. He sold his shares at a small profit, but regretted the decision when Cities Service shot up to nearly $200 a share. He later cited this experience as an early lesson in patience in investing. It was just a common thing for people who invest in securities. There are expectations, there are profits, there are losses and there are opportunities. A common person would have left it as a bad luck. But he made it a lesson for himself for future investments or trading and thereby making it his strength.

By the age of 13, Buffett was running his own businesses as a paperboy and selling his own horse racing tip sheet. That same year, he filed his first tax return, claiming his bike as a $35 tax deduction. He never spent his money on wasteful things. He always saved it and invested it. Hence, he already had a lot of cash piled up till he graduated because of his savings. Thus, when he graduated at the age of 20, he already had ten thousand dollars with him from his childhood businesses. By those small savings he built up his empire and now, according to Forbes, his net worth as of September 2013 is 58.5 Billion dollars. Not that I am saying that only his savings helped him earn this much because it would be a ridiculous thing to say. Nevertheless, it gave him strength and an added advantage to his brilliant mind.

I think I have given enough examples for you to understand my point. So from next time do not forget that even a ‘thank you’ to a person who has picked up your pen from floor or a ‘sorry’ to a person on whose foot you accidently stamped in a crowded bus or train can make a difference.


At the cost of being repetitive or boring I would again like to emphasize that it is a small thing that gives us strength. It is like those moments in movies where a close friend or loved one holds your hand at a difficult time and you gain a lot of strength. Hence, be faithful in small things as rightly said by Mother Teresa.

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