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Learn to make criticism leveled at you the weapon for your advantage


Many people get irritated when they are criticized for their work or actions. However, it can be very beneficial for your life if you can take cues from criticism and utilize them positively. You can succeed in achieving your life’s goals if you start learning from criticism. It is important to take criticism as feedback that should be used to mend your actions and make them contributory. It will also provide you with a critical life skill if you can handle criticism and take advantage of it to make yourself better. Check out how you may do this.

Deal constructively with criticism

People who take criticism in a negative way end up with lowered self-esteem, anger or stress. However, a constructive approach toward it can improve your life and make you more successful. If you are criticized for an act, then avoid taking it personally. It is not an attack on your skills and self-esteem. Even if another person is trying to challenge you through criticism, do not allow it to destruct your thoughts. While criticism may be hurtful, you should understand that it could be used to correct your mistakes and make improvement.

Give value to the power of opinions

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Make sure that you never undermine someone’s opinion even if it is criticizing. Take control of your anger so you can avoid the development of ill feelings. Their opinion has the power to change your life in a positive or negative way. Thus, you should not let their criticism affect your positive thoughts and actions. Respect different opinions so your own confidence is never destructed by them.

Instead, use opinions to reshape your action path and goals. See how people perceive you and evaluate yourself by considering all different views. If required, you should change the way you are perceived.

Learn to differentiate between opinions and influence

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Not every individual tries to influence you while expressing criticism. If you take their opinion as their influence on you, then you might react negatively to criticism. Thus, learn to see the difference between influence and opinions. Listening to an opinion of others can show your readiness to accept feedback and act positively. This shows you in a good light. For example, a colleague of you may criticize your task for certain reasons. However, you may not want to take criticism or feedback from a colleague, you can actually be happier if you take their words seriously. They might have something important to contribute. You may actually take a lesson from their words and incorporate their feedback to impress your boss. Do not assume that you can never be wrong or have faults.

Use your discretion to decide

approach goals

While you may receive criticism from multiple people at every step in your life, always go with your own decisions. Use your discretion to take a call in every situation. If you are able to find the wisdom behind someone’s criticism, then make use of it to reach your goals in an improved manner. You should try to make things clearer if you find that a critic is wrong on his/her part. However, this may not always be the case. Thus, accept their opinions and take positive decisions for yourself.

Avoid taking critics as a setback


Critics must not become a setback for you. Never spend too much energy on criticism, as your negative thoughts may weaken you from within. Instead, look at the message or learning behind criticism. A critic may actually benefit you if he/she is a well-wisher of yours. Thus, listen to them patiently and avoid taking criticism personally. It cannot stop you from leading your life in a desired way.


When you receive criticism for your actions, make sure to learn from it and improve your approach toward your goals. Constructive feedback from criticism can make your life happier and positive.

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