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How to deal with flu

“Prevention is better than cure” applies to most illnesses but could be a tricky execution when it comes to influenza. As common cold and flu are viral diseases, you may contract them anywhere, possibly from people who don’t show symptoms of the disease. However, if someone who lives or works around you is suffering from flu, it is a good idea to maintain distance. Do not share handkerchiefs, food, lipsticks, etc to avoid direct contact with viruses, although doing so does not ensure zero chance of you falling sick. Simple day-to-day activities such as a handshake with an infected person or touching a door knob at the ATM could give you the flu.

Look out for Early Symptoms

The first symptoms of flu include sore throat, headaches, and runny nose. If you have been consuming flu medication over the years, a great time to pop those pills is when one or more of these symptoms appear. Note that the medication you consume does not fight the viruses per se but helps to reduce the aches, pains, and congestion that generally accompany influenza. If your throat continues to hurt, consume soup and liberal amounts of warm water. Stay away from eating or drinking anything cold, as it only aggravates sore throat.


Flu is characterized by mild to moderate rise in body temperature so if you feel feverish at work, do not panic. It is normal for influenza patients to record a sudden rise in body temperature up to 101 F, and Paracetamol usually brings it down within an hour or two. If the temperature rises over this mark, visit a doctor immediately. Keep yourself warm, consume fluids, and light food such as chicken soup for physical strength. The body becomes very weak when affected by fever so it is a wise idea to have someone over to take care of you. Keep an ice pack over the forehead to temporarily reduce body temperature. If you do not have ice handy, soak a wash cloth in cold water, squeeze dry and place it over the forehead. Replace it every half hour. If the fever does not reduce within 24 hours after taking Paracetamol, medical treatment is necessary.


Influenza results in severe respiratory congestion due to the secretion of phlegm, a condition commonly called ‘runny nose’. Keep a box of tissues handy for obvious reasons and avoid using cloth handkerchiefs. Although such handkerchiefs are eco-friendly, they score low on the hygiene factor and merely washing them does not entirely remove the flu virus. To relieve congestion, apply a good mentholated product such as Vicks VapoRub over the chest and back. If congestion is severe, inhale mentholated vapor. The simplest way to do this is by mixing a spoonful of Vicks into steaming water and inhaling the fumes. Be extremely careful while handling hot water and do not expose your eyes to the mentholated vapor.

Rest, Relaxation, and Road to Recovery

Flu usually renders the body very weak and incapable of physical activity. Bed rest and relaxation is advised for about three days after initial symptoms appear. Take a hot shower, soak in a warm bath, or get a sponge bath at least once a day. Do not watch television, work on the computer, or physically strain yourself. Most importantly, do not skip meals.Complete recovery from flu takes about a week or longer, and the last few days are characterized by persistent cough. The cough could be dry or accompanied with phlegm, both of which can be treated with Paracetamol-based cough medication available in drugstores. Benadryl is one of the popular remedies for cough. For prolonged irritation and persistent cough, use cough drops such as the ones by Vicks that are available at the drugstore. Stay away from oily and spicy food as they can aggravate the condition. At this stage, patients who also suffer from Asthma may develop chest pain due to severe cough, which should be treated by a medical professional at the earliest.


It takes about eight to ten days for a patient to completely recover from flu. The illness is highly infectious, so take a few days off work or school so that your colleagues or classmates are not affected by the virus. There is every possibility of contracting influenza again after recovery so care should be taken to maintain hygiene at home. Wash and thoroughly disinfect clothes, blankets, and pillow-cases used during the course of your illness to prevent yourself being infected again. Always remember that patience is the key to complete recovery from any illness: when you find a treatment that works for you, follow it religiously.

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