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Find motivation and courage in yourself with these ideas


‘We have the toughest battles because we are good enough to face them.’ Believing in oneself is the first step towards success. This is not the easiest task; many of us get carried away with our worries and end up being in a tougher spot that we were initially. The key is to know that life is all about these challenges and that overpowering them is the only way ahead. There are many ways to do this and here is a list of the best ways to get yourself stronger by the moment and to realise you can take on any challenge.

Remember tough times

stress in  mind

While each problem you face might be the worst in your head, remember difficult situations you have overcome in the past. Remember the joy you had when you crossed the finish line and tell yourself – If I could do that, I am going to do this.

Learn from the greats


Read about people who covered bigger challenges in life. Not everyone found things easy in life, they had to struggle and achieve their dreams. Learn from the solutions they found, and how they made it through their battles.

Plan for a worst case and work for the best case

strategy success

There is a thin line between practicality and a world of realms. Always keep a clear idea about your goal and always know the worst that can happen in your endeavor. Know that you can face and conquer even the worst that could happen and this will make you take the first step.

Sweet victory


Motivate yourself by making the goal sweeter. Imagine completing the challenge and being a proud man at the end of it. While it may be tough, imagine the joy you would have when you reach the goal that many might think you cannot accomplish.

Break your goal into specific and crisp targets

Careful about time

Reaching the final goal might be a challenge, but it becomes a lot easier for the mind when you break it down into smaller and achievable goals. Make it a point that you reach your goals in the specified timeline so that you prepared and ready for the next goal.

Treat yourself with each achievement

Authenticity Leadership (1)

To inspire yourself to go the distance, make sure you reward yourself at each timeline checkpoint. It does not have to be something very attractive but the point of achieving it will make you want to do more.

Music is power

listening music

Listening to the right music can take you a long way when you feel beat down. Listen to a tune that gives you courage, get rocking to ‘The Eye of the Tiger’ or whatever works for you, and labor through your troubles. It is bound to get your charged up for a challenge.



Finetune your mind to believe you can do big things. There is nothing as strong as the mind and the moment you realize that the targets are within your grasp, the job becomes very easy.

Choose your favorite phrase

acheive goals

Keep a line in mind that will give you the motivation you need every morning. It could be anything that inspires you to do better. This will not only make you feel more charged up every morning but you would know that there are specific goals in your daily life that you need to achieve. Start your day with ‘I am here because of X challenge and I am going to make it through’.

Share your highs and lows

serious talk between father and son

Speaking to people close to you will only help you gain more strength for the battle ahead. You will be able to do better with each passing day and by the end of it, they would be your source of courage too.


It takes a lot to reach your goals and targets in life and the challenge ahead for all of us is to make a clear plan to achieve them. It is all possible and you will be able to do it. Remember that you face the problem only because you can solve it!

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