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Encouragement – the positive bath

Encouragement - the positive bath

Encouragement-the positive bath

Broken relationships, unfulfilled expectations, hurting heart, being alone when you need someone the most and craving for some lone time when you are in a crowd. Such relationship confrontations happen to all. Yes, they do. If you are also going through such a phase, my friend you should first of all be aware of the fact, that you are not alone! No matter however miserable your plight may be, there is always someone, someone somewhere who is much more miserable, way more than you are. All you need is to pick yourself up, hold it together and believe. Yes, believe and be-live, because if you believe it, you can do it! And you certainly will. The sole need is of a little encouragement, a little push. Do not be afraid, do not just hesitate, we all at some or the other moment need it. Even if you need it all the time, that in no sense makes you any inferior or any superior from the rest of the world.

As you read on, you will find out some words of encouragement, not from a philosopher but from someone who needs it herself too, we all do, remember? But what differentiates the positive ones, the benefiters from the negatives, the one on losing end and that too by purpose is that the, they both know, what wrong is deep inside, but the benefiters, take steps, no matter however small they might be but they walk ahead in hope, may be dimming but alive, hope and encouragement, not from someone else but from the soul, the inner self.

Focusing the problem on the onset

One might be feeling low, that is not where the problem is but the problem lies in the way to rise up. Yes you can and yes you will! We are here to help! No matter whatever aspect of life has let you down, convince yourself that it is a phase, because it really is, it might be long, really long for you but, it has end a real dead end from where the actual bliss starts. It might not seem believable now but the troughs are the better part of life, they teach you lessons which you might not be able to learn otherwise! The downfall in a roller coaster, however scary and frightening it might seem but is certainly the best part of ride. Take the hint, let loose of yourself, throw the hands in the air and enjoy! Cherish the ride, the ride of life.

Money matters-earn your way

The main cause of low self esteem these days goes to the rising value of commodities and declining worth for those, for whom these things are, the people. In the race, which people the materialised world has made life is getting tougher and dirty day by day. Everyone wants to earn more, forgetting why they do, forgetting the peace and happiness, the designations have become the identity and the salaries have become the ideology and the ability you possess.

Believing in yourself, loving the work you do is something one should be worried about rather than being gloomy and comparing the pay packages. To wait for a company which will recognise your talent is what you need, rather than running behind the biggies and accepting what you do not want to do. If you cannot get what you love than you will have to love what you get. If you are low, because the lesser educated neighbour makes more bucks than you do or because you could not manage to clear an interview of some company which the rest of world thinks was best for you, then stop and think again. The neighbour might not be having any night life or prone to excessive work and stress. Follow your heart keep the spirits high, do not do it because others want you to do, do it because you want to and see the difference. If you are nobody in an international company you burn mid night oil for, you would be respected and contented lesser than being at a great post and making a difference in a comparatively smaller company!

Hack it with the risky relations

Attachments, it is said are the most joyous and most mournful part of the life. What it is for you, well, it is upon you to decide. There is no relationship which has no confrontations; the one having more of them are often marked stronger. But at times, no matter whatever you try, you just cannot stick to it. Well, it is better to leave than to cheat! At times, it might be the best relation you had in your life but you need to understand that letting go is the only way out as it is no more what it was! But, just a moment before doing that, interrogate yourself, do you still care? Do you still want the things to be alright? If the answer is yes, then there is not any harm giving yourselves a second chance and this time put the whole lot of love you have, you will certainly have a good relationship if the other person loves you back too. It might have a jerky start but that is how every toddler learns to walk, a little kicks and scars here and there, if you are ready for the small pains, if the person is worth the effort, boost up yourself and give it another love shot!

Motivation- A must

Encouragement is nothing but a daily dose of positivity. It is just like a bath, you might need it daily not because you are filthy but because you do not want any to reside it on you either. Thus, motivation and encouragement are not only for the low self esteemed people but are also for the positive clan too, to keep them the way they are, to make people aware of their own potentials. A positive lesser informed person can achieve what at times a learned can not!

Remember, there is always a way out, you were given this life because you were strong enough to handle it. So pull up yourself, bring the courage and wear the smile and you are ready to win any and every aspect of the beautiful journey called life!

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