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How to eat healthy and stay away from fatty food

How to eat healthy and stay away from fatty food

Eating healthy food is the best way to maintain good health. Recently weigh control is generally associated with healthy eating habits but eating healthy food does not only helps you get rid of those extra kilos it also keeps you away from chronic diseases like diabetes, heart issue, and cancer. Here are for you some tips to eat healthy and stay happy.

girls having pizza

  • Food can be delicious even without fried and cheese items. Avoid eating processed food.
  • Prefer eating raw food as this does not require extra oil to cook and drink plenty of water. Water helps in removing the toxins from the body and burning of calories.
  • Junk food that is high fat and high calorie should be replaced with fresh fruits and vegetables. Foods rich in fiber enhance digestion.
  • It is important to differentiate between good and bad fat and to maintain their balance by eating limited amounts and then proper exercising.
  • If you wish you can eat your favorite food items but in very small amounts. Make a balanced food and diet chart for yourself to suit your health and nutrition.

healthy eating

  • Avoid eating too many sugary foods such as white bread, soda, and ice cream. Although your body can withstand occasional increased amounts of glucose, consumption of sugary food for long period may result in insulin resistance that is the cause of type 2 diabetes.
  • Include complex carbohydrates such as whole grain bread, oatmeal, and brown rice as these help in maintaining the blood sugar level.
  • Try to include moderate amount of fat in your diet through fats found in olive oil, avocados, fish, nuts, and seeds. This will help in the protection of your heart.
  • Milk and other dairy products are a major source of proteins, calcium, and vitamins. However, you should choose low fat options like semi-skimmed or skimmed milk.
  • Include foods that are rich in starch as your main energy sources. These foods make you feel full and satiated so that you do not need the urge to eat.
  • Animal fat should be replaced with lentils and beans since these are protein sources that are lower in fat content and are devoid of cholesterol.


Fatty food may taste delicious, but it also affects your health. Here are some tips to eat healthy and get rid of extra body fat, and get back in shape all over again.

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