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Don’t be a pushover, and don’t let people take advantage

Avoid riding on negative emotions

No one but you have to fight for what’s right when you are surrounded by people who treat you bad. If you do not respect yourself, no one else would do that. When you value yourself, people value you even more. We live in a world of cutthroat competition where people use others for their own selfish needs. Open up and do not let anyone punish you for no good reason. Here are a few tips:

Be the first one

Be the first one


No one has the guts to humiliate you unless they see through you. When you do not give importance to your own feelings and desires, people start doing the same with you since they know you won’t mind. Give importance to yourself. Praise yourself for all the achievements you have made in life and give the well-deserved credit to yourself. Take good care of yourself. Dress neatly, arrange you hair the way you like and feed good thoughts to your brain. Live life on principles and never comprise with them, come what may.

Lear to judge and accept truth

Laughing-stock of the office


There are people who treat you the way you treat them and those who only take advantage of others. It takes only a few meetings to get to know a person. When you know that other person always tries to make a fool out of you, be aware. Do not live in your own world. Learn to see the truth. If someone treats you badly there has to be no excuse for it. People choose to do so, if it happens more than once.

Raise a voice

Raise a voice

If people take advantage of you or use you for their own selfish means, do not keep quite. If you do not utter up a word they would take it as an agreement and make it a habit to do that repeatedly. Show some confidence and stand up for what belongs to you. All you demand is a little respect on their part and it is your basic human right. Learn to say no and turn down their request in a firm voice. You do not have a need to explain your reason to do that.

Know your worth

Reasonable argument


Do not feel bad when you deny a request or react back when someone behaves badly with you. When you avoid it once it turns into a habit and it become hard for you to give voice to your opinion. You deserve some respect as an individual even if you have to snatch it from them. If you give in once, you would have to pay a big price for it in future. You have your own identity and you certainly would not want people to drag you around like a doormat.

Be aware

Be aware

It may be difficult for you to accept. The truth is that when you want others to show some respect, you have to take some serious steps. Learn to anticipate, when you know the other person is there with another request make a good excuse that sounds convincible. It helps you maintain good relationship with him/her. You can handle a situation this way at your workplace since you can’t afford to take a risk.

Don’t be a people pleaser

The habit of pleasing others may rob you off your happiness. When you give way to the other person, you rather have your own selfish motive behind that. It is nothing what it seems like. How can you take yourself for granted? It may affect you self-esteem, self-worth and your overall confidence eventually. It is as if you have no existence for others around you. Learn to respect yourself before you demand it from others around you.

Love yourself and never let others run you down. A hurt self-esteem and a feeling to be worthlessness can never give you a successful career or a happy life. Keep yourself around people who love and respect you.

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