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How to deal with difficult supervisors

If you work under a difficult supervisor, then going to work can be a challenging task and it can affect your confidence on your abilities. Here are a few suggestions to deal with difficult supervisors.

Stop avoiding your supervisor

Avoiding your supervisor or boss might not be the best solution of your problem, so it is better to respond to his or her calls and emails, and do not hesitate to enter into a conversation. Try to find a plan B, which can help you to make things out without negotiating with your supervisor. With an alternative plan in mind you can walk away if the conversation does not go right.

Do not react to criticism

When you are under the scanner, never react towards criticism or verbal abuse, as this can lead you into troubled waters. Remember that your supervisor has a bigger ego. This can be a little difficult in the beginning, but remaining calm will help you get out of the difficult situation easily. This works especially if your supervisor is a control freak or an intimidating person. The word Sorry can cast a magic spell in such situations. Saying sorry will not provide further chances to your supervisor to attack you.

Do your work effectively

Your work is the best way to prove yourself and to impress your supervisor, so make sure that you confirm to all deadlines and complete all assignments on time, so that your boss will not have to remind you about your work. Completing an assignment before the deadline can be better, as this will provide you more time to rework or revise your work if it needs any changes or revision. If your assignment does not reach your supervisor on time, then you will become an easy target for your boss.

Discuss all matters beforehand

If you have a new manager or supervisor, then your supervisor might want to get the work done in a different style, so it is always good to approach your boss and discuss how things has to be done, so that you can adjust the work accordingly. Discussing is better than confronting, as a conflict will lead to more conflict. Discuss topics like goals, interests and problem solving and ask for the advice of your supervisor. If you get criticism in return, then this implies that your boss have some other idea, so it is good to ask your supervisor directly.

Change your perception

You will not be able to change the way a supervisor behaves, as it is their nature, so the best way out is to change the way you look at their behavior. Instead of considering supervisors as villains, you should just label them as boss, as they are just being themselves. Prior to labeling or attacking your boss, just evaluate your performance and observe whether you are rendering your duties properly or not. You can ask your coworkers regarding your work and should take your criticism in a positive manner. Remember that there are other employees, who face the same behavior, so gather their support. A supervisor can attack one employee easily, but not when they are more in numbers.

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