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Best ways to recognize spurious online reviews

on line reviews

On-line reviews are very important to any business organization whether big or small. In the modern world of internet, people search for each detail of every product they come across before finally deciding to buy it. No doubt these reviews are very important to the buyers. However, chances are that you may be trapped by fake online reviews of a product.

on line shopping

Nowadays the trend in online shopping is to log in to the site by using the information of your social networking website such as Facebook, Twitter and Google. However if you follow some simple steps, you would perfectly point out a fake review about any product.

Here are some steps that save you from fake online reviews.

  • Before blindly believing any online review, you must carefully check as to whether the customer has reviewed any other commodity except the one you saw or not. Generally, people who like or dislike a particular product write a single comment for that product. However, a person who hasn’t reviewed anything else except just one product may point towards a fake online review. You should take note of the username and see his reviewing history.
  • Another good way to spot a fake reviewer is to observe his comments on different sites of the same type. Let’s say for example a hotel listing, if you find the same language repeated in various hotel reviews, you must not wait anymore to identify that this a paid or fake review.


  • Try to identify the language of the reviewer that is whether he repeats the name of the entire product in detail in his reviews. A kind of very specific language is a sign of a fake review. This is because normally people tend to use short forms of the name of the product. Fake reviewers on the other hand repeat the complete name to increase the SEO ratings for the product.
  • An extra enthusiastic review wherein you find that the review contains numerous needless punctuations and too many advantages of the product you are viewing, points you towards the identification of a fraud review.
  • There are a few sites they have a system to verify the reviewers. Amazon for instance actually demarcates a genuine commentator by giving information as to whether he has actually purchased the product from the online store or not.
  • At some sites you will find reviewers posting their comment via their social networking account. This is a better way to search these people and find out how they really are.


All the above listed simple yet conscious steps will help you to easily distinguish between fraud customer reviews from original ones so that you can make a wise purchase or select a better option from those available.

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