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Effects of oral contraceptives on memory


The research found that the contraceptive of choice of an estimated 3.5 million British women – a quarter of all 16 to 49-year-olds – remember the emotional impact of an event but not the details. The US study emphasised that the medication does not damage memory, it just means that a change in hormone balance mean women on the pill remember things differently

Around 100 million worldwide take the pill and it has previously been linked to a higher risk of blood clots and breast cancer, although it has also been linked to protection against certain cancers.

The effects on the brain have also been studied with previous studies suggesting the pill makes the female part of the brain bigger, boosting emotional skills. It has also been suggested women on the pill are more attracted to more boyish, caring men rather than masculine mates because they are less fertile.

Ref and Read more: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/8755918/Women-on-pill-remember-things-differently.html


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