Five rules to make your video content marketing successful

Video content marketing
Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

The relation between videos and advertisement is similar to that of shoes and socks. They just simply belong together; having one without the other does not create that impact like it does together. In today’s era where visual impacts are most sought after, videos have emerged as an indispensible part of marketing strategies. Videos have the tendency to go viral like none others. Be it instructional videos, informational or simply fun videos their impact is just so massive.

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This huge result generation is the reason why visual content marketing is on roll. Every organization has adopted it as an important marketing tool. Strategies are made to make visual content marketing successful, as the interest it generates in public is incredible. Today, nearly 70 percent of marketers use videos as a part of their marketing strategy.

In case you are working on a strategy relating to visual content marketing, here is how you make it successful:

Defining your goals

defining goals

Remember videos may mean different things to variant people. Make sure your video has all aspects covered before you put it online. Before you start working on creating the video, also make sure that all the goals are clarified in context to the marketing strategy. The success of the video advertisement is measured by considerations such as number of viewers, number of times it is shared, and most importantly, the number of leads it is able to generate.

Role of the video in marketing strategy

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You have to have some idea about what role the video is to play in the marketing strategy, before you actually start working on it. It can be either central or peripheral. This largely depends upon your particular organization. For some organizations, casting a video in starring roles is more beneficial in comparison to a peripheral one and vice versa.

Understand video content marketing is a form of supplementary marketing technique and not the only marketing tool. If you feel that your product will not appeal through this marketing technique, it is okay. Remember, not all viral videos are good content marketing.

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Including CTA

call to action (CTA)

Image Source : VideoMarketingNet

Do not forget to include call to action (CTA) in your video in addition to your brand and logo. Having a written copy makes the job of content creators easy for incorporation of click buttons and necessary URLs, but it is seen that incorporating CTA directly into your video has best visual and audible impacts.

In case you are sharing your videos on YouTube, make sure to use the feature of platform’s annotation. This particular feature helps you add pop ups that will play, each time our video is viewed. Although this feature is not truly reliable as the user may disable pop up messages while viewing videos on YouTube.

Distribution method

social media marketing

There are two ways to get increased views to your video. Either pay for it to be distributed effectively, or let the customers find it by themselves. You have to decide upon which policy works well with your organization, paid or organic. It may so happen that a mix of both might prove to be best strategy to adopt.

Today, social media portals play a vital role in making your video a success story. They make the videos viral in a manner like none other. It helps you have the maximum reach. One can say these social media sites are one of the best forms of organic distribution.

Permanent house for your videos

add special features to the website

You need to house your videos in a permanent home on your website. Although you also have the option of finding a parking lot on sites such as YouTube, this does not let you have complete control over the content. Therefore, housing your videos in an onsite content management system is surely a wiser option.


Video content marketing is an important marketing strategy that is being readily adopted by most of the organizations.

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